
Fight the Power Word, Kill

no we're not the same 'cause we don't know the game

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The Enemy Within: Death on the Reik (S2E3)

(originally posted 15 Sep 2018) 

Captain's Log: Festag, the 31st of Pflugzeit, 2512.

The journey to through the Weissbruck Canal was strangely uneventful. I had become increasingly wary of mutants and their ambushes and, although I hide it, I'm still not relieved of this fear. We paid our toll and navigated the locks with very little difficulty. My crew received strange looks from the river boat workers, especially Werner at his tasks on the main deck, but they recognized our level of experience on this vessel so there was no issue. The capital city ahead was a glorious sight, nothing like the murky and cramped city of Nuln, and we sailed towards the docks of Altdorf in the middle of the city. Harbull has taken his cabin and made some sort of haven for his herbal and alchemy dabbling, which I as captain entirely approve of. Those herbs we rightfully borrowed from Elvyra, she gave us no permission but we did save her life, will come in handy. I saw towards starboard a patrol boat and that was the greatest marvel of Altdorf in my eyes. It was large, spacious yet filled with a more than able crew with many cannons on the main deck. It had the mechanical miracles of our modern age, including what appeared to be automated side paddles that would propel it faster than any vessel I had ever been on. Someday, someday...

Ah, yes Harbull? Right, the telling of what happened. The patrol checked our vessel and the entire crew. This was after a bit of confusion about the name of our boat. Werner painted the name on already, while I thought we were going with the cover name "The Bloodied Windfall" to evade pursuit by authorities, assassins, and so on. I was a little bit annoyed at the time but I now appreciate the love and attention my crew are giving our ship. Our crew, now that I mention it, included Wanda's strange little child-sized thing she was crafting in her workshop. It was wrapped up and silently stood there. It's name was Humun Nicholas. I do not inquire deeply into matters of witchery and will not do so here. The patrol men rightfully pointed out that we did not pay for the strange passenger, but It was sorted with some shillings and we finally reached the port.

We could see to the south west reaching towards the sky the magnificent palace of our blessed Emperor. Close to it, with a similar majesty, was the high temple of Sigmar. North west was the university of Altdorf, a place of tremendous learning and an incredible library of knowledge. I assume, of course. I don't even know how to understand books and that sort of talk. I'm frankly too used to the oath-edged wordplay of sailors and the country, I'm afraid. Sigmar blessed me with a great scribe and friend, though, but anyway I will continue. We needed to find a good buyer and get rid of that blighted wool. A large man approached us with tremendous interest in paying a very large sum for our cargo. He seemed the real deal as a wealthy merchant: posh accent, fancy clothing and even a learned servant handling documents. I listened to his offer and turned to my companions with regards to discussing the deal. After several fervent responses of "YES, TAKE THE DEAL NOW HURRY BEFORE HE CHANGES HIS MIND, YES!" I decided to indeed accept the offer.

We had plenty of money to spare after that, so purchasing supplies for the journey was my top priority. Wanda decided she would seek out a book of sorcery, Harbull and Werner went to the Konigsplatz to search the stalls for any interesting items or good deals. They came back to me and Renata on the ship soon afterwards and told me what happened: According to a poster Werner was a wanted man for killing a noble, while Harbull was a criminal by association. They also had the (mis?)fortune of meeting two strange pots and pans salesmen who gestured at them strangely before scurrying off. Guess they're very friendly in Altdorf. The criminal issue was sorted by shaving Werner and sticking the hair as a beard on Harbull. This allowed Harbull to study to become a doctor in the university while Werner could mind the ship. I myself purchased for the ship's armoury 8 boarding axes, a short bow and arrows, a sextant for the navigator and enough supplies to last us about a fortnight. I promised the crew no new fancy pants would be purchased and I was good on my word.

We waited about a week for Harbull's training to be completed and in that time we looked for offers of cargo. Wool, wool, wool, wool, wool, wool, wool, wool, wool, wool, wool, and then finally an offer of wine. Harbull had returned and gave us the idea of a taste test. Werner did that duty, in a nearby tavern called the Bear and Spear. He did work in a tavern years ago, after all. According to him it was decent, so we agreed to pay about five hundred gold crowns to deliver a large quantity of casks. Wanda raised an excellent point that we should focus less on mercantile pursuits and more on hunting the remnants of the Chaos cult. I'm inclined to agree but we do need the money for our travels. Before I forget to mention it, she found a book of magic and enjoyed my gift of a sextant. Although she did refer to a seafaring tool as a toy, which frankly made me a bit worried, but she's damn good at her job so I won't complain.

We set off in the morning northward towards Delberz. Upon arrival, it was discovered that their main export was wine. Sigmar damn our luck. At least we could easily find the house of Wanda's mentor, Hieronymous Blitzen, north near the river. It was a very big yet old house. Peaceful, would be the impression I got. We knocked on the door and I looked forward to seeing this old fellow. Perhaps he could answer a question or two about the Chaos agent in Grissenwald. Some young lad, thin with curly hair, opened the door and looked at us with a scowl. He seemed agitated to see Wanda and went to tell Blitzen we wished to speak with him. Wanda told us he (Hans-Peter Schiller) is an apprentice of Blitzen, like herself, but she was chosen over him as worthy to venture into the outside world. I still reckon it was more because he was jealous she was a member of my mighty crew, even if he had never seen our ship. Word of our exploits surely travels fast?

We met her mentor upstairs, working delicately on a clock. Eccentric, flowery expressions in his speech, big bearded, that sort of academic. I mean no ill will, however, he was a very pleasant host and happy to listen to our adventures. He agreed to teach Wanda in private for about a fortnight, while we stayed in his home and enjoyed the food and drink on offer. I'm sure Wanda was delighted, but making small talk with that awful, rat-like, weedy prick Schiller was an arduous task. We also promised Wanda to sound "smarter than usual" to not embarrass her, so all that book talk I had to bluff through wasn't making our stay any more comfortable. After 3 days, Werner and I would eventually follow a pattern of enjoying our breakfast, running back to the ship with the excuse of making "sure she was okay", go back for lunch, back to the ship, and so on before returning the next morning after sleeping in our ship's cabins. Harbull stayed the entire time and made avail of what was available, which was a smart move as the journey ahead will be long.

I'm happy to say I'm on the Devil May Care as I speak. Wanda has completed her training, gifted her mentor Humun Nicholas and learned of the evil magic the Chaos agent is capable of. Onward to Grissenwald then...

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