
Fight the Power Word, Kill

no we're not the same 'cause we don't know the game

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Blog posts : "mutant year zero"

Mutant: Year Zero. // transmission 003 //

This was the session where the stopper got pulled out of the mutant powers bottle. SPOILERS for the MY0 metaplot. 

A new PC: Starbuck the Stalker. A shy loner who keeps himself to himself in his 2nd/3rd floor air duct, which he hops up and down to with his frog legs. He's got Extreme Reflexe…

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Mutant: Year Zero. transmission 002

Sessions 3 and 4. 


A group of wanderers came to the Ark. They said they came from over the mountains to the east. Their leader is a bald, bright-eyed woman called Veronica. They seem to want to settle down, and have made a camp of their own near the Ark. They have no mutations. 


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Mutant Year Zero (session 1)

We rejoin the mutants on their expedition to the Science Place in sector F18 - after the spider fight; the fixer Enrique (a dandy fellow who wears a formal jacket over his hoodie) caught up with the group. 
Diego insisted on sleeping before moving on. Guillermo made a tent.  It started to get da…

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3 blog posts